KBR Wild Horse and Burro Information Sheet

Part Nine

November, 2006 Update

I was called out to check a complaint of an aggressive stallion and came across a gathering of the Iroqois Trail, Mustang Trail and Pinto bands. In the fall with the mares pregnant, different bands will sometimes join up and meander together as a larger group. (The majority of local residents indicated that old "Gray Cloud," the stallion that was complained about, was actually not a problem.)

The Pinto band, Mustang Trail band and part of the Iroqois Trail Band.
(The black mare, second to right, was one of this past summer's West Nile survivors.)

The Iroqoius stallion in his "fall colors" watches from a distance.
(He's the first horse shown on Part One of this album.)

The pinto stallion roughhousing with the Mustang Trail stallion.

Taking a roll and watching his band. (We were only about 50 feet away.)

Getting a drink from a leaky faucet.

The reportedly aggressive stallion (right) and a mare hanging with him.
(Note the perfectly shaped horse hooves.)

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