KBR Wild Horse and Burro Information Sheet

Part Two

The horses finally walking quietly towards the gate.
Bunching up on the outside of the fence still looking for water.
Once all the horses were outside the gate the gate and fence were secured. The resident agreed to water the horses and State Livestock Inspector Mike Holmes agreed that this location was suitable for an emergency water tank. The resident provided a large plastic tank for the horses to use. It only took a short while for the thirsty and curious horses to overcome their fear of the strange tank and find the water.

Tank in place, getting the water "turned back on."

Once all had drunk their fill, the horses headed back into the hills, away from people and congestion and where they normally like to graze.
Tanked up and heading back out into the hills.
It is critically important when we undertake an activity such as establishing an emergency water tank that we avoid creating situations that desensitize the horses to humans and encourage them to wander into congested areas.

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