Crooks and Liars

  New Nevada Agriculture Director
Takes Aim at Wild Horses

Part Fifteen

News From the Front - April 26, 2008

(Earlybird Edition)

Snake Scoop

Ed Foster is back in the news again. He apparently called Karen Sussman of the ISPMB and displayed what Karen described as "threatening behavior." He basically warned her that the department was going to the Attorney General to shut down the Alliance activities, talked about libel, and so forth.

Now here's the really good part.

Sussman was caught totally off guard as she and her organization have absolutely no dog in this fight. The South Dakota organization has its hands full dealing with the expenses, labor and logistics of placing a number of Virginia Range horses that they took off the state's hands quite some time ago.

It's been an open secret that some well financed out-of-state groups - or perhaps well off private parties affiliated with out-of-state groups - are designing some full page "impact" ads that expose the history of NDoA involvement in the Virginia Range, perhaps in somewhat graphic detail, warts and all, with photos. We don't know exactly what they have planned but it's a good bet that they are using the same information base that was used to produce the history report that can be found on this website, creatively entitled History of NDoA Screwups on the Range.

Foster evidently concluded that it must have been Sussman's group. (Here's a hint. Aim your gun a whole lot farther south than South Dakota.)

Later in the day VRWPA President Jeanne Gribbin attempted to reach Foster to explain where the skeletons could be found to support such ads, but Foster didn't return her call.

(Webmaster's note: My Mom wrote a book about the US Constitution, probably because one of her ancestors helped write and signed the document. I think I can find a copy if anyone at NDoA needs a refresher in the First Amendment and what freedom from government interference in the expression of ideas or redress of grievances is all about.)

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Actually with all the documents, tapes and photos flowing in from all directions, the problem probably isn't producing documents to support claims being made, even if proof was required under the law, but in which mountain they happen to be at any given moment.

I would think by now the Department would have figured out that when we say something is so, then they say it ain't so, we then produce the proof. But it is fun to hear the denials... then the silence.

The Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates

We've had a few people ask what exactly is the Alliance of Wild Horse Advocates. It's literally just that - a group of people coming together, allied for a specific cause.

Normally wild horse advocates and volunteers engage in activities within a number of individual groups. When we're confronted with a particularly serious situation, the advocates temporarily associate as a larger body, regardless of their affiliations to individual organizations, and a unified effort is undertaken until the matter is resolved. The "Alliance" functions as a coordination structure and an information exchange. It's not a tangible entity.

It's been claimed that the KBR Wild Horse and Burro News is somehow associated with the Alliance. This is simply a privately funded, privately owned web news blog. We just happen to subscribe to the principles and views of most of the advocates presently allied to save the Virginia Range wild horses.

Gov Notes

A recent communications exchange with Governor Gibbons' office has been offered up to us by someone who formerly campaigned for him. Please bear in mind that the actual people we talk to over the phone in the Governor's office are generally courteous and professional. They can't help it if their boss goes silent. Here's the last part of the exchange. The entire series of messages can be read here.

So I write a personal message, to Jim Gibbons and he doesn't even read it? His silence SPEAKS VOLUMES!

Tina, I realize you are just doing YOUR job, but some citizens are getting tired of politics as usual. I was a registered Republican for most of my life and have recently just switched to Independent, for THIS very reason. THIS issue is a very serious issue, those who take the position horses should be controlled and rounded up are ill or uninformed, believe in fairy tales. Those who know the truth, know the outcome are appalled and sickened that it continues and is condoned by our so called caring elected officials. THINGS need to change and maybe the parties that lead our states as well.

Thank you for very little if any concern.
Lou Russo

Saturday Protest

The advocates went to Reno where the Nevada Republican Convention was holding what could probably be described as a train wreck. Details will be posted in tomorrow's edition.

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