Crooks and Liars

  A Citizen's Exchange with
Governor Gibbons' Office

A recent communications exchange with Governor Gibbons' office has been offered up to us by someone who formerly campaigned for him. Please bear in mind that the actual people we talk to over the phone in the Governor's office are generally courteous and professional. They can't help it if their boss goes silent.

Dear Governor:

I wrote you several years back regarding a rather uninformed statement you made publicly about wild horses. You responded, but now I see I am once again SHAMED of my elected officials.

Not only do we have someone in an office that lacks the know how or knowledge of subjects that concern the citizens, that you appointed but again we have a few with bias reasons wanting to destroy a past relic of the old west, our wild horses to be rounded up so they too can receive the same fate of death as their ancestors have in the past.

Simply unacceptable!

We (citizens, developers, ranchers) have pushed them farther and farther out, with no concern for their existence or well being.

We have so many congressional leaders who are not co sponsoring the current bill to BAN horse slaughter, shipping them to countries like Mexico and Canada who care even less about the humane treatment of animals.

Jim, I met you several times while I managed Jafbros Auto Body, for eleven years I made sure we took good care of you and your family with the PROPER and SAFE repairs to your family's vehicles.

We campaigned for you, we put up signs. PLEASE stop this madness, put someone in the office of Agriculture that knows what he is doing, or is not a puppet.

Jim, please do not disappoint me. I may be an older woman, now disabled, but will do whatever I need to, to make this a bigger, more exposed public issue.

As Nevada takes more and more of the wildlife's land, why is there not yearly portions of funds allocated from those taxpayers who buy that land to HELP FEED or care for that which has been driven off?

THAT would solve some of the problems!!!

Please.........please reconsider this madness, please do NOT round up anymore of our depleting herds to face the fate of getting a knife in the back of their necks, cutting their spinal cords and as they drop in the chute, quivering, a big huge side door, scoops them out to be finished off.

I thought the bolt gun was bad, my God what have some of us become?

God Bless
Lou Russo

The following is what the press dubs a "vanilla answer."

The Nevada Department of Agriculture will be working on a plan, which could take up to six months, that will be beneficial to both the ecology and horses of the Virginia Range. During that time the Department welcomes positive input and open dialogue with any concerned group. We urge you to submit your comments and suggestions to:

Edward K. Foster
Regional Manager-North/Plant Industry Division
Acting Public Information Officer
Nevada Department of Agriculture
350 Capitol Hill Avenue
Reno, Nevada 89502

So I write a personal message, to Jim Gibbons and he doesn't even read it? His silence SPEAKS VOLUMES!

Tina, I realize you are just doing YOUR job, but some citizens are getting tired of politics as usual. I was a registered Republican for most of my life and have recently just switched to Independent, for THIS very reason. THIS issue is a very serious issue, those who take the position horses should be controlled and rounded up are ill or uninformed, believe in fairy tales. Those who know the truth, know the outcome are appalled and sickened that it continues and is condoned by our so called caring elected officials. THINGS need to change and maybe the parties that lead our states as well.

Thank you for very little if any concern.
Lou Russo