KBR Horse Net
Training Case Study:

"Black Bart"
Part Ten

Exploring the obstacles.

Session Seven, June 2nd

We didn't actually plan on having a regular session with Bart today. Betty spent some time socializing with him but the focus of the day involved Bob, Betty, Sharon and Willis building a new permanent obstacle course. When we finished with the main obstacles we wondered who we should use to try out the course. We looked at each other and said, "Bart!"

Bart could be approached and scratched from both sides now but he wouldn't quite stand still out in the pen to be haltered so we moved him into the squeeze where he haltered like a champ. Then we went for his first big walk outside the smaller Learning Center corrals.

Bart got a little excited once we were in the big arena, but so long as we kept giving him little cues he would stay focused. If we stopped in one place for too long and didn't communicate with him he would get a little anxious, so we just kept moving. Also when Bart would get stuck at various gates, Sharon (who took the photos) would give just a hint of energy from behind.

Out in the wide open (arena) spaces.
Entering the obstacle course.
Once in the obstacle course we let Bart explore and visit various obstacles, but he was quite comfortable moving through the simpler obstacles involving railroad ties and poles to step between or over.
Checking out the railroad ties.
Walking down the railroad tie alley.
Stepping over logs.
A more complicated log pile.
Crossing sideways.
Checking out the tire pedestal.
Trying the little wooden bridge.
Crosswise on the bridge.

Not bad for the Bart's first time on the lead outside a small corral, but all was not perfect as the next part shows.

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