BLM Wild Horses and Burros:


  How to Add Your Horse or Burro
to the Gallery

The gallery is provided as a showcase for mustangs (feral horses) and domestic born descendants of these horses. The gallery also includes BLM burros and their descendants. If you would like to include your animal(s), please respond to the email address listed below. For simplicity, the term "horse" applies to both horses and burros in this information sheet.

Your horse will appear in two places. The main gallery section includes one photo and some basic "vital statistics" about your horse. The corresponding "Close-up Page" is a web page just for your horse where a larger variety of photos can be included along with more detailed personal information.

    Vital Statistics:

    • Foaling Date: / Sex:

    • Herd Identification: (Where gathered)

    • Present Owner:

    • Present Location: (State)

    • Adopter's email address:

    • Pretty much anything you want to tell people about your animal.

You can add photos and additional descriptions at any time. We reserve the right to limit the number of photos due to some available space limitations, and/or replace some older photos when you submit newer ones. (Typically any photo that we may drop would be because it is very similar to another photo of the same horse in the gallery.)

There are no costs or hidden strings involved in putting your horse on the internet. We provide this service to promote understanding of, and knowledge about, America's wild horses and the fine people who adopt and gentle them.


Before you start sending us email images of your horses, please read the following document which describes How to send us images which we can accept!


If you need still photos scanned for the website, please contact Julie Kirk.


If you need images scanned off of videotape, please contact Willis Lamm.

Hope to see your mustang or burro in the gallery!

All material © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Lamm's Kickin' Back Ranch (KBR) unless otherwise noted.
All submissions and images for use in this site become property of KBR unless otherwise specified.

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This is not a BLM operated or BLM sponsored site. It is run by private wild horse and burro enthusiasts.

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