KBR Wild Horse and Burro Information Sheet


(Information and graphics courtesy of BLM, Salt Lake District Office)

In December 1971, Congress said "...wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West1" and "they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people."

Today we know more about these "Living Legends of the Old West." During the ice age, horses roamed the North American continent, but these native horses became extinct more than 10,000 years ago.

The Spanish brought horses over from Europe in the 1500s. The American Indians soon learned to care for and use these horses, helping to spread horses across the continent. Other horses were brought west by the pioneers and the U.S. Arrny Cavalry. The wild horses of today are descendents of these domestic horses that were either turned loose, abandoned, or escaped from captivity. In Utah, some ranchers turned loose horses of different breeds. Today, we see different features in each horse herd area.

Burros were brought to the West by Jesuit missionaries and were later used extensively by miners and sheep herders. Some of these animals were abandoned or escaped and wild herds became established.



This is not a BLM operated or BLM sponsored site. It is run by private wild horse and burro enthusiasts. We are thankful to the BLM for providing the information which is presented here.

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