Training Horses the "Wal-Mart" Way |
Webmaster's Note: We're not aware that Wal-Mart endorses any particular horse training methods nor are we suggesting that they do. Wal-Mart, however, provides a treasure trove of supplies and materials that can be easily adapted to be used as "safe and sane" training aids. In fact Wal-Mart is our favorite place to shop and "imagineer."
As with any horse training activities, please apply these ideas with a dose of practical common sense. We each are responsible for the results of our own actions when training large animals. The idea here is to challenge the horse, make him curios and get him to think, NOT stress him out or frighten him to death! Give the horse frequent opportunities to "find the right answer" and use lots of positive reinforcement until the horse gets used to these exercises. All of the horses that appear in this feature are formerly wild mustangs undergoing the process of being gentled and trained by LRTC volunteers.
When working with horses we always stress using good quality, well constructed equipment that is up to the task. In particular, halters, leads, saddles, bridles, reins and bits must be of good quality, the right size and shape for the horse and the use intended, and be kept in good, reliable condition. However there are many training tasks for which we can construct our own training aids at little expense. Our favorite place to acquire these materials is our local Wal-Mart. The purpose of this feature is to illustrate some of the effective "tools" and aids that we have made from ordinary supplies obtained at Wal-mart. |
3/8 Inch Poly Rope
We occasionally have to deal with horses that can't or won't be haltered. We could halter these horses in a squeeze however it is better if the horse learns to be haltered in the corral. We found a package of soft poly rope in the Sporting Goods department to be just what we needed. The idea here is to get a safe loop on the horse's neck... one that can be easily removed if the situation becomes stressful. As the horse becomes used to the contact of the rope and yielding to pressure, the loop can be formed into a "quick halter" which would set up our putting the regular halter on the horse. |
Soft poly rope
A complete description on doing this process safely and effectively can be viewed Here. |
Putting the rope around the horse
Forming a loop that can
Once the horse has settled to the loop, he can then be haltered, usually without a fight.
More details on forming a Quick Halter can be found Here. |
Forming a "quick halter"
Putting on the regular halter
There are lots of other uses for the loop which are discussed in more detail in the Sliding Neck Loop feature. |
Ground driving using the loop.
Desensitizing the horse
Important Note: If you take on the project of developing an untrained horse, everybody will want to give you advice. Don't act on any advice, including the ideas offered in this site, unless it makes sense to you and fits your individual situation. Your abilities and the sensitivities of your horse(s) may differ from the examples given. Be alert and rational with your actions so neither you nor your horse will get hurt. This information is offered as illustrations of what we do and the reader must apply common sense since he or she is solely responsible for his or her actions. Happy trails!Press "Back" to return to the page that brought you hereGo to Case Study SectionReturn to Training SectionReturn to Wild Horse MentorsReturn to KBR World of Wild Horses and BurrosGo To KBR Horse NetKBR Horse Training Information, © 2005
Lamm's Kickin' Back Ranch and Willis & Sharon Lamm. All rights reserved. Duplication of any of
this material for commercial use is prohibited without express written permission.
This prohibition is not intended to extend to personal non-commercial use, including sharing
with others for safety and learning purposes, provided this copyright notice is
attached. |