KBR Wild Horse and Burro News
  Mother Nature can be rough!
August, 2006
The Rescue of Little Trucker
West Nile Virus has been hitting parts of Nevada with a vengeance. While a majority of the wild horses are pretty hardy and fight off the disease, older horses and nursing mares are susceptible to getting seriously ill.

On August 8th a group of riders reported seeing a young colt hanging around a dead mare. The colt, estimated to be about four months old, could survive by eating grass but the pair was deep in coyote country, the colt was alone, and probably wouldn't survive the night.

The colt guarding his dam.
An LRTC team responded with Lyon County Animal Services Officer Nonie Higley. It became evident that the colt would not leave his dam and try to rejoin a nearby band of horses, so a decision was made to capture the colt and remove him to safety. A telephone report was made to the State Livestock Inspector in charge of free-roaming horses and a trap was constructed.
In spite of Nonie's presence the colt wouldn't leave.
We decided to build a corral around the mare and trap the colt when he went inside. Getting the trailer and trap panels back to the dead mare was somewhat challenging as the pair were back in the chaparral. However volunteer Shirley Allen managed to get close enough to set up the trap.
Bringing the trailer and panels to the dead mare.
Constructing the trap corral around the mare.
The colt checks out the trap.

Continue to Part Two

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