KBR Wild Horse and Burro News
  Making the best of a bad situation
April, 2007

Another Horse in the House

Part Two

Update: Sunday, April 15.

Shirley reports:

Ozzie is doing well. We had a long night last night as he has developed a cramping/spasm in his neck that comes on him when he turns a certain way and he loses balance and has to be caught so he doesn't fall down. Doc is not terribly concerned and thinks that it is just part of the healing process and situation that comes with the neck injury he sustained. If it continues for long or gets worse Doc will come out and take a look at him. Otherwise he is progressing very well with sight and sound and cognitive responses. He is getting to be very loving and cute personality with little stubborn streak when he doesn't want to come back inside or go outside if it's not his idea.

Ozzie "Motors" around the house and outside and is picking up speed in his gate but still pretty slow. He's a Charmer! Please let folks know I'm not ignoring if I don't answer phone sometimes. We're either taking a little nap or in the middle of doing Ozzie Things. Thanks EVERYONE for your prayers and love and please keep on praying for our little guy he's coming along but not out of the woods. Bruce and Shirl and Critter Kids Too

Exploring the bedroom.
Mom, you spilled some milk!
Monday morning Shirley called to say that Ozzie actually ran around the back yard on his own and leaped off a short rock retaining wall, landing squarely on his feet. His curiosity and willfulness are both increasing.

Later I received the following photo taken by Susan Reynolds, who lives in the Virginia City Highlands. The photo is of Ozzie and part of his band in the wild shortly before he got hurt. Susan observed that the band stallion "has some real attitude, constantly picking on mares and challenging other stallions from other family groups."

Part of the band, Ozzie in the center.
Closer view of Ozzie and his dam.

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