KBR Wild Horse & Burro News

Horsemen and feed store ride to the rescue

  Horsemen and Feed Store
Help Extreme Makeover Show
Part Three

The Reveal - MOVE THAT BUS!

The house and recreation building were completed early Friday afternoon (5 days after the original photos of the heavy machinery were taken.) Spectators and volunteers were arriving at the Stagecoach fire station to be shuttled to the site on school busses. Folks really started arriving a little before 2:00 PM and the line for the busses wrapped around the fire station.

The crowds all were in their places, the big silver and black bus was in position in front of the house and the Boettcher's plane was apparently late arriving at the Reno airport, so the crowd stayed busy practicing hollering "Move that bus!" and cheering every personality and VIP who appeared, no matter how minor.

The house completed. (Painters were still applying touch-ups.)
The Boettchers having just stepped out from the limo, meeting Ty.
Steve Boettcher waving to the crowd. The crowd shouting, "MOVE THAT BUS!"
The bus is moving and the Boettchers get their first view of the house.
The Boettchers going inside for the first time.
All in all it was a pretty interesting afternoon. Unfortunately it was now getting dusk, the temperatures were plummeting and the busses staged to take the spectators back to the fire station got stuck behind an accident on US-50. Finally the busses arived before everyone froze to death, heaters on full blast, and most folks could again feel their feet by the time they got back to their cars.

Hopefully the Boettchers also had a warm, restful evening in their new house.

(Thanks to Sharon for taking the photos. It's why she didn't appear in any of the shots.)

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