KBR Wild Horse and Burro News
  Will the Wild and Free Roaming Horses & Burros Act be Circumvented?

by Representative Jim Gibbons (R-NV)
Story date: September, 1999

Legislative Update

H.R. 2874, sponsored by Representative Jim Gibbons (R-NV), would allow states where America's wild horses and burros reside to assume management of those animals. These magnificent creatures, located in ten western states, are currently managed under the Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse and Burro Program.

H.R. 2874 has been referred to the House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, chaired by Representative Jim Hansen (R-UT), an original co-sponsor of the bill. A hearing has been scheduled for October 28th. It is imperative that members of the Resources Committee hear from you before then and are told that the public opposes this legislation.

The Issue

While there are certainly problems with the federal Wild Horse and Burro Program, there are legitimate concerns that handing management authority to the states could lead to the demise of our country's wild horses and burros. Under the current program, wild horses and burros removed from the range must be placed in a federal adoption program. If states assume management of these wild animals, thousands of horses and burros could be removed from the range and euthanized to make room for more subsized cattle grazing.

What You Can Do

Contact your U.S. Representative immediately and let him/her know you are opposed to H.R. 2874. You can reach your representative via the Capitol Switchboard 202-224-3121, or by writing him/her at the U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, 20515. If you prefer to send your message by e-mail, use the web and go to http://congress.nw.dc.us/ddal/elecmail.html and select Wild Horses and Burros. Please let your representative know that H.R. 2874 threatens the welfare and continuing existence of America's wild horses and burros. The proposed legislation would:

  • Remove current safeguards preventing the destruction of healthy wild horses and burros as a method of range management. Traditionally, Congress has restricted the BLM from using annual federal appropriations to euthanize healthy wild horses and burros. Even if this restriction remains in place via future appropriations bills, H.R. 2874 would not prevent states from using state funds to euthanize healthy wild horses and burros under their management.

  • Decentralize the Wild Horse and Burro Program, making it extremely difficult for the public to obtain information on and monitor the program. Under the proposed legislation, it is unclear how and where grievances would be redressed.

  • Remove federal oversight of the nation's Wild Horse and Burro Program. Congress determined that America's wild horses and burros would best be protected under a federally managed program when it passed the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971.

This bill must be opposed. If you have any questions about this issue, please contact Liz Clancy Lyons at the Doris Day Animal League, 202-546-1761 x 30, or email liz@ddal.org.

Thank you for your action on behalf of the animals!

(Thanks to the Doris Day Animal League for providing this information.)


    This measure has cleared the subcommittee and is advancing through the legislative process. More details are forthcoming.


Here is how to email Mr. Gibbons.

Here's how to contact Your Government Representatives.

Here are some sample letters which you can use as a guide if you wish.

Please also inform your horse loving friends of this issue as time is short.

Thanks for your interest!

This is not a BLM operated or BLM sponsored site. It is run by private wild horse and burro enthusiasts and owners.

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